“A place for all book lovers”

Passion for books

I always liked reading books. I read almost anything that comes my way. I also like writing. I started writing stories for newborns. And that led me to want to learn how to bind them, to give away as nicer looking presents. So I ended up in the Escola Superior de Disseny i Art Llotja of Barcelona, where I obtained a Certificate of Higher Education in Artistic Bookbinding, the only place in Catalonia where you can get the official certificate. And from María Lucas’ hands, my teacher, I learned everything I know. And I still have so much left to learn! You can always learn something new, because experience comes with practice and you can never say “I know everything”. As with life, there’s always something new to learn…

And there came a moment in time where, trough a series of circumstances, including my personal need to make changes in my life, that “Naikare, l’art del llibre” was born… A place made for all of us who love paper books, their texture, their colours, their illustrations… A place to learn the beautiful art of handcrafted books… A place to find the right tools and supplies… A place to find blank books so you can write your story…

Mercè Capell  (artisan bookbinder)

The shop

La Violeta  was a haberdashery since approximately 1901, when D. Pedro Sala i Villaret, theologist, philosopher, and Protestant writer, along with his wife took care of their nieces and opened a haberdashery in Roger de Flor street, number 142, in Barcelona, for their niece Carmen. “Here you’ll be fine” is the phrase that “uncle Pedro” said when he rented it, words that would never be forgotten by the next generations: Carmen Depé, Josefina Irlés and Gloria Guinot (my mother-in-law).

La Violeta survived political regimes, wars, crises, and riots. After an 8-year break, when La Violeta was rented to others, it is back in the family with a different activity and a different name -Naikare- but with the same enthusiasm to offer the best service possible, and with corporate colours that intend to pay tribute to its ancestors and its history: violet.



Cadena Ser interview (22/04/2017)

Ràdio Tecnocampus interview (07/01/2019)

RTVE Radio 5 interview (08/05/2023)

RTVE Página 2 interview (07/04/2024)

My education

Happy clients

To see more about how people like Naikare, check out this page!

Un rincón mágico y único en la ciudad de Barcelona

Mercè es una artista y artesana excepcional (y fantástica persona). Sus creaciones son preciosas y los talleres que organiza, tanto de encuadernación como de caligrafía, son para no dejárlos escapar.

Renata Scanu